How to find help
If you are worried about your mental wellbeing or that of someone else, knowing where to turn can be difficult. There are many services available locally and nationally which can offer you support or information. They can also give you advice on specific concerns or mental health issues.
I need help now
- If you or someone else is at risk of serious injury or death dial 999 and ask for an ambulance and/or police.
- If you currently access mental health services with NSFT contact the access and assessment team for Suffolk on 0300 123 1334 (dial 0300 790 0371 for central and west Norfolk or 01493 337958 for Great Yarmouth and Waveney)
- If you do not currently have access services with NSFT visit A&E or contact your GP and ask for an urgent appointment.
Visit your GP
Your GP is a great first step if you are worried about your mental wellbeing or that of someone else. They will be able to talk to you about how you are feeling, what options are available to you and can refer you on for further help.
All GP surgeries have a mental health link worker working with them. Mental health link workers can talk to you about specific mental health concerns and refer you on to further support. Contact your local GP surgery to find out more.
Self-refer through Wellbeing Suffolk
Wellbeing is a free NHS service which can offer support if you are experiencing common mental wellbeing issues, such as low mood, anxiety or stress. Wellbeing offer courses and groups. They include peer support, online guided self-help and one to one support. They can also offer counselling if appropriate.
If you are under 15, contact your GP who can support you to be referred. If you are aged 16+ you can access support through your GP. Or you can self-refer by calling 0300 123 1503 and by filling in the online form.
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- Bury St Edmunds Women's Aid Centre - Support for women in West Suffolk
- Iris (Community Sexual Assault Service) - Support for people in Suffolk who have experienced any form of sexual violence at any point in their lives
- Lighthouse Women’s Aid - Support for women, young people and children experiencing domestic abuse in their personal or family relationships
- Survivors in Transition - Support for survivors of childhood sexual abuse
- Suffolk Rape Crisis - Support for women and girls aged over 14 who have experienced any form of sexual violence, at any point in their lives
- Suffolk County Council - Local information for domestic abuse and sexual violence support. Suffolk Domestic Abuse Helpline number: 0800 977 5690
Local support groups and activities
- Emotional Wellbeing Gateway - For families and professionals to explore mental health support in Suffolk
- Suffolk InfoLink - To search for local support, groups, activities and wellbeing and mental health information
- Suffolk Libraries - Regular activities and events held in libraries, including for families and children, older adults and wellbeing
- Support Groups - Suffolk Mind promote and hold regular support and peer groups, to support mental health and wellbeing
Parents, families and young people
- Suffolk Family Carers - Information and support for family carers
- Parents And Carers Together (PACT) - Service which locate, support and maintain the wellbeing of parents and carers
- Suffolk Young People’s health project (4YP) – Information, support and drop-ins for young people in Suffolk
- Young Minds - National charity for children and young people, providing information and links to other helplines and support
- The Source - Information, advice and support for young people, including an online chat
- Kooth - A free, safe and anonymous app for young people to find support and counselling
Suicide prevention and family support
- Hope after Suicide Loss - Support for those bereaved by suicide
- Papyrus - National charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide
- Samaritans - National charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide
Mental health and wellbeing support
- CALM - A national campaign against male suicide, including helplines, webchat and information
- NSFT Recovery College - Free educational courses and workshops designed to support people to invest in their wellbeing
- Side by Side (Mind) - A supportive online community for adults
- Suffolk Night Owls - A telephone, email and text service run by Suffolk Mind for anyone who needs emotional support including those with complex emotional needs.
- WAVES - A Suffolk Mind service for those living with personality disorders, and people with complex emotional needs, providing support and access to groups.
Drugs, alcohol and eating disorders
- Turning Point - National and local Alcohol and drug misuse information and support
- BEAT - National Eating disorder charity providing support and information, including helplines and online chat.
Practical advice
- Citizen’s advice - Practical advice and support for benefits, housing, family, legal issues and health
Older adults
- Age UK - Services for older adults including a help line, befriending and local support services