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Filtered by New baby

Browse our recommended books to help you discuss the big issues with your child.

All At Sea

Gerry Byrne and Faye Hanson - 2018

When Liam and Mary's mum and dad bring their new baby brother home from the hospital they also bring some presents: for Mary, some building blocks and for Liam, a family of hippos. But the baby hippo of the family keeps going missing.

Babies, Babies Everywhere!

Mary Hoffman - 2021

Sleeping, crying, laughing, looking, gurgling, eating, crawling - and at last toddling! Follow five families and their babies from birth to around 12 months, with all the excitements, challenges and joys of that first year with a new baby in the world.

His Royal Tinyness

Sally Lloyd-Jones and David Roberts - 2018

Marianna, the most beautiful, ever so kindest princess, lives happily with her mum, dad and gerbil. Happy, that is, until the new baby comes along. His Royal Highness King Baby is so smelly. He's so noisy. And all the talk in the Land is about him - non-stop, All the time! Has there ever been such a time of wicked rule?

How Big is Our Baby?

Smriti Prasadam-Halls and Britta Teckentrup - 2019

When a new baby is on the way, siblings-to-be have lots of feelings and plenty of questions. But whether they're impatient, curious or a little worried, this friendly and reassuring guide explains each step of the pregnancy journey and helps little ones feel involved and excited.

How Will it Be With Baby and Me?

Anna Friend and Jake Biggin - 2022

Beautifully illustrated and simply written, this picture book offers a moving, yet reassuring, journey through a child's feelings of anxiety about a new arrival. With his mum announcing that he will have a new baby brother, Jack is worried what will happen when he arrives. Will Mummy take her love for Jack and give it away?

King Baby

Kate Beaton - 2016

King Baby is gracious - bestowing smiles on his public, allowing tickles and hugs, and posing for photo after adorable photo. But this teeny tiny royal ruler also has many demands, and when his faithful subjects can't quite keep up, King Baby must take matters into his own hands.

Mummy, What's in Your Tummy?

Bernardita Romero - 2020

What's that growing in Mummy's tummy? Could it be a rabbit or a crocodile? With lyrical text, gentle humour, and a sweet representation of the mother-child relationship, this imaginative story is the perfect way to help older siblings prepare for a new baby's arrival with joy and excitement.

My Brother is an Avocado

Tracy Darnton and Yasmeen Ismail - 2023

It's hard to wait for a new baby to join the family, especially when it's still growing inside Mum's tummy. But when Dad describes the size of the baby at each stage, one little girl imagines, while she waits, all the fun she can have with her baby brother as a teeny-tiny poppy seed, then a grape, then a lemon. But she's not quite sure how she feels about having an avocado for a brother.

No More Babies!

Madeleine Cook - 2020

Sofia's baby brother is always playing with her toys and demanding all the attention. So when Sofia finds out that she's going to have ANOTHER new sibling her cheeks turn red and she shouts: 'NO MORE BABIES!' This funny book is for children who are worried about the arrival of a new baby and celebrates the special relationship between siblings.

Polly and the New Baby

Rachel Quarry - 2019

An old pushchair, a new baby on the way, and an invisible friend called Bunny. It all adds up to a little problem that Polly solves with a lot of imagination!