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Filtered by Fear & bravery

Browse our recommended books to help you discuss the big issues with your child.

A Little Bit Brave

Nicola Kinnear - 2019

Logan is a stay-at-home bunny - but he's about to discover how brave he really is. It's time for his first adventure, and he doesn't want to go. But there's an amazing world outside, if he can just pluck up courage to look.

All About Worries and Fears

Felicity Brooks and Mar Ferrero - 2022

There can be a lot to worry about when you are little, from monsters under the bed to Monday's maths test, but one person's scary spider is another's perfect pet, so how can we learn to stop everyday fears and worries from growing out of proportion or even overwhelming us?


Sarah Christou - 2023

Once I had a secret that was big and monstery - I thought of it as Blue. But Blue the monster doesn't have to be scary. And he doesn't have to be a secret. After all, we all feel blue from time to time and talking about it helps.

Everybody Worries

Jon Burgerman - 2021

Everybody worries and that's OK. This reassuring and practical picture book combines helpful tips endorsed by clinical psychologists with fun rhyming couplets and colourful pictures to help children open up about their feelings and get anxiety under control.

Good News: Why the World Is Not as Bad as You Think

Rashmi Sirdeshpande and Adam Hayes - 2021

'Good News' is a positive, reassuring and anxiety-eliminating book designed to help children change the way they think about the world.

I Don't Like Birthday Parties!

Maureen Gaspari and Siski Kalla - 2021

More than anything, Lucas wants to enjoy birthday parties like his friends, but he is overwhelmed by all of the sights, sounds and sensations that come with celebrations. A story that focuses on sensory overload within children, and the anxiety surrounding it.

Jeremy Worried About the Wind

Pamela Butchart and Kate Hindley - 2020

Jeremy is a worrier. He worries about odd socks, spotty bananas, evil squirrels, burnt toast, dinosaurs and, most of all the wind! His friend Maggie isn't worried about anything - after all, what's the worst that could happen? But when Maggie decides to go outside and play in the wind, Jeremy must act fast to keep her out of danger, and he is soon to discover that a bit of courage leads to the most exciting adventures.

Me and My Fear

Francesca Sanna - 2018

When a young girl has to travel to a new country and start at a new school, her Fear tells her to be alone and afraid. How can she hope to make friends if she doesn't understand their language? A heart-warming and relevant new tale, this book shows us the importance of sharing your fear with others.

Mindi and the Goose No One Else Could See

Sam McBratney and Linda Olafsdottir - 2022

Once there was a girl called Mindi, who was afraid of something that no one else could see. This thing that she was afraid of, this thing that no one else could see, was a big goose. It came into her room as quietly as a thought comes into your head, and it stayed there for as long as it wanted to.

My Monster and Me

Nadiya Hussain and Ella Bailey - 2020

A touching story about a little boy whose worry monster follows him everywhere he goes. It's there when he gets dressed, when he wants to play with his toys, and even when his friends come over to visit. How can he escape his worries?