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Filtered by Changing families

Browse our recommended books to help you discuss the big issues with your child.

All About Families

Felicity Brooks - 2018

What do families look like? Who’s in your family? And how can families change? With delightful illustrations, this glorious celebration of family diversity talks about lone-parent families, adoptive, foster, divorced, remarried, and mixed race families, and lots, lots more, showing little children that families come in all shapes and sizes.

All Kinds of Families

Sophy Henn - 2020

Just like us, animal families are all different. For orang-utans, mummy looks after the babies, for emus it is all down to daddy. Clownfish live with a mummy and daddy, some albatross families live with two mummies and some cheetahs are adopted by two daddies. For some families it is the grandparents, or even a huge family group, who help bring up the youngsters. But what's the one thing that they have in common? Love, of course!

Dealing With My Parents' Divorce

Jane Lacey and Venetia Dean - 2019

Sometimes you can sort out a problem on your own. But sometimes you need to ask for help. This book helps young children to make this decision and find out about and understand what's happening when their parents divorce or separate. Case studies combine with sensible, practical advice to help children aged 6+ find out what to do in difficult situations.

Everything Changes

Clare Helen Welsh and Asa Gilland - 2023

Playing together as a family on the beach, it seems the happy, warm days of summer will never end. But then Mum and Dad say they can no longer live together, and everything changes.


Anne Fine - 2019

Kitty Killin is not just a brilliant story-teller, but also the World's Great Expert when it comes to mothers having new and unwelcome boyfriends. So it's no surprise that she's the one chosen to sort out classmate Helly, who's gone into meltdown. Kitty decides to share her story about old Goggle-eyes - possibly one of the worst episodes in her life.

It's Not the End of the World

Judy Blume - 2016

Karen's parents have always argued, and lately they've been getting worse. But when her father announces that they're going to get divorced, it seems like Karen's whole world is falling apart.

Living With Mum and Living With Dad

Melanie Walsh - 2013

Mum and Dad don't live together any more, so sometimes this little girl lives with her mum and her cat, and sometimes she lives with her dad. She has two bedrooms and two sets of toys, but she takes her favourite toys with her wherever she goes.

Luna Loves Library Day

Joseph Coelho - 2018

Every week Luna looks forward to one special day: the day when she discovers magic among the library shelves; the day she gets to spend with her dad. Exploring the books, Luna and her dad find magic, mystery and even start to mend their own history.

More People to Love Me

Mo O'Hara and Ada Grey - 2016

This little girl's family is huge! The only way to show how huge would be to draw a family tree. With a step-mum, a step-dad, four brothers and sisters, and a whole lot of grandparents, her family tree has a lot of branches - and a lot of people to love her. Mo O'Hara's warm and playful story will speak to any young child with an extended or step-family.

Mum and Dad Glue

Kes Gray and Lee Wildish - 2010

This picture book looks at divorce from a child's eye view. A little boy tries to find a pot of parent glue to stick his mum and dad back together. His parents have come undone and he wants to mend their marriage, stick their smiles back on and make them better. Even though his parents may be broken, their love for him is not.