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Leave a legacy of literacy in your will

How to include Suffolk Libraries in your will

Find out how you can include Suffolk Libraries in your will and help us make lives better for future generations to come.

Whether it’s through an inspiring read, enjoying a cup of tea and a game of Scrabble or bringing families and carers together at children’s events, Suffolk Libraries make a huge difference to the lives of communities across the county.

Leaving a gift in your will is one of the most personal ways of supporting Suffolk Libraries. A legacy gift in your will can be a tax-efficient way of giving, and will cost you nothing during your lifetime - and it ensures that the hugely impactful work we do across Suffolk can continue long into the future.

How to include Suffolk Libraries in your will

There are three main bequests that you can make to Suffolk Libraries. This ensures that your will is legal, and that all your wishes can be acted upon.

We strongly recommend that you consult a solicitor when making or updating your will, to ensure that it is legally valid and reflects your intentions.

A Residuary Legacy

This is leaving a specific percentage of whatever your estate is worth after any debts, costs, liabilities, legacies and tax have been paid.

A Pecuniary Legacy

This is a specific, fixed sum of money decided by you. The value of a pecuniary gift is likely to decrease over time due to inflation as the cost of living increases.

A Specific Gift

This is a specific, named item of something valuable including property, stocks or shares, a work of art, books and antiques.

Making changes to your current will

If you already have a will, and wish to add a gift for the benefit of Suffolk Libraries, you can do this by updating or making changes to your will by adding a codicil.

If you choose to recognise Suffolk Libraries in your will, we would be most grateful if you could inform us of your decision. You are not obliged to make us aware of your intentions, but doing so will allow us able to thank you for your generosity.

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